Bijan Ahsef-Jah

Bijan Ahsef-Jah

† 02.12.2006 in Oberaudorf
Erstellt von OVB Heimatzeitungen

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Kondolenzen (29)

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Von Julia Fenderl Sabrina Fritz, Oberaudorf/Reisach

15.12.2006 um 17:45 Uhr
Wahrlich keiner ist weise der nicht das Dunkel kennt. Das unentrinnbar und leise von allen ihn trennt. In Liebe und Dankbarkeit Julia und Verena Fenderl mit Sabrina Fritz


Von Daniela, Maximilian Schardin, Oberaudorf

11.12.2006 um 22:35 Uhr
Es weht der Wind ein Blatt vom Baum, von vielen Blättern eines. Das eine Blatt man merkt es kaum, denn eines ist ja keines. Doch dieses eine Blatt allein war Teil von unserem Leben. Drum wird dies eine Blatt allein uns immer wieder fehlen. Liebe Elis, uns fehlen noch immer die Worte! In Gedanken bei Dir! Von ganzem Herzen, Daniela und Maximilan Schardin


Von C Schmidt, wörgl

11.12.2006 um 12:57 Uhr
Lieber Bijan, Ich wollt dich noch soviel fragen... Im richtigen Augenblick. Ich wollt dir noch soviel sagen... Im richtigen Augenblick. Ich habe Ihn übersehen ... Er war immer da. In Liebe C.


Von Robert & Lotus Riezouw, Waidring

10.12.2006 um 18:57 Uhr
Dear Ellis, dear Mithra, dear Anahita, Like everyone else, Lotus and I were stunned by the news of Bijan’s passing. But the more we thought about it the more we realized that his departure was not sudden or haphazard, and that the time for his transition was chosen with great care and precision to be of maximum inspiration to us all. As a friend, a brother, a husband, a father, a teacher and an artist, his primary mission was always to inspire and to illuminate. The time had come when the best way for him to illuminate your paths from this point forth was to hand the torch over to you! As an accomplished artist he had transcended the ego; he was not searching for sensationalism, or even recognition; his goal was to share, to inspire, and to instill in our hearts and minds a deeper sense of spirituality through art. As we sat in church during his funeral service we looked around and saw all those hundreds of people who had come to pay him their last respects, and it became apparent to us that it is unimportant how great your achievements are in life, what counts is how many people you touch. Bijan’s art was a means to an end, an instrument with which he ventured to instill passion in the hearts of everyone with whom he came into contact. When we think of Bijan there are two words that most readily come to mind: ‘charisma’ and ‘dignity’. He was indeed a humble prince with a grand mission. Lotus, Nadine, Ramon, Vincent and I are with you in our thoughts, and share in your loss; we are proud and honored to have known Bijan and to have traveled briefly with him. His light will continue to burn for us all, and we will always be with him through our love for you. The Persians have a saying: when someone passes away they say “Ruhat Shad”, which means: “may your spirit be happy”. Undoubtedly Bijan’s spirit is happy, and his mission complete. Ruhat Shad old friend, and keep the fire burning!


Von claudia crispino, oberaudorf

09.12.2006 um 22:28 Uhr
liebe elis, maisas tränen drücken am besten unsere trauer aus - over the rainbow - wir sind ganz bei dir
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