Konrad Birkner

Konrad Birkner

* 18.03.1935
† 12.08.2014 in Haag
Erstellt von OVB Heimatzeitungen
Angelegt am 18.08.2014
2.910 Besuche


Neueste Einträge (6)

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Peter und Doris Innsbruck

Entzündet am 26.08.2014 um 19:21 Uhr

Lieber KoBi, Wir entzünden diese Kerze in der Hoffnung, daß Du es da oben gut haben wirst und wir uns irgendwann einmal wiedersehen und weiterplaudern werden. Alles Gute! Peter mit Doris aus Innsbruck


Wir trauern um unseren lieben Freund KoBi

26.08.2014 um 19:15 Uhr von Peter und Doris Roggenhofer

Ergriffen vom Ableben unseres Freundes KoBi möchten wir seiner lieben Gattin Waltraud und der ganzen Familie Birkner unser Mitgefühl ausdrücken. Wir haben KoBi in all den Jahren, in denen wir gemeinsame Gespräche führten als lieben Menschen kennengelernt und er wird uns sehr fehlen.

Peter und Doris Roggenhofer, Radiomuseum Radiowelt, Innsbruck


My friend, my teacher, KoBi

23.08.2014 um 18:15 Uhr von Daniel Rosha

I was deeply saddened by the news of KoBi’s passing. My heart felt condolences to you.

Konrad had teached me some good lessons about Radios and Friendship in radiomuseum.org In the last letters, he wrote:

I am trying to be effectivly as well as efficient. Time is limited, ... I had to reduce [Radiomuseum.org work] by half. Bein 79, health problems, a nice family (3 daughters, 7 grandchildren, 2 great-grand children) and a hobby and friends..... the day does not offer the necessary 40 hours...

What a good and generous man your father was.

Daniel Rosha,



Farewell, Kobi

20.08.2014 um 22:36 Uhr von Robin Randall Roeckers

You have taught me more than you will know about radios and about how language doesn't have to keep two people from understanding each other.  Even if your english wasn't the best I could still tell you had a big heart and a love of learning.  I will try a little harder to understand others in my own country because of what I learned from you.

We had a common interest in old radios, tubes and wires.  Not many would see the attraction to these things but we try to keep what they meant to people alive so others can see what was truly a 'new' concept.

Thank you for letting me get to know you a little and for the Christmas card a couple of years ago.


Robin Randall Roeckers

Berryton, Kansas, USA

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Entzündet am 18.08.2014 um 08:22 Uhr
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